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Thursday 27 February 2014

Best Heart Specialist & Cardiologist in Malawi

Best Heart Specialist & Cardiologist in Malawi

The area of Africa now known as Malawi was settled by migrating Bantu groups around the 10th century. Centuries later in 1891 the area was colonized by the British. In 1953 Malawi, then known as Nyasaland, became part of the semi-independent central African Federation (CAF). The Federation was dissolved in 1963 and in 1964, Nyasaland gained full independence and was renamed Malawi. Upon gaining independence it became a single-party state under the presidency of Hastings Banda, who remained president until 1994, when he was ousted from power. Joyce Banda (no relation) is the current president, raised to that position after president Bingu wa Mutharika died in 2012. She is the first female president in Malawi. Malawi has a democratic, multi-party government. Malawi has a small military force that includes an army, a navy and an air wing. Malawi's foreign policy is pro-Western and includes positive diplomatic relations with most countries and participation in several international organisations.

Malawi is among the world's least-developed countries. The economy is heavily based in agriculture, with a largely rural population. The Malawian government depends heavily on outside aid to meet development needs, although this need (and the aid offered) has decreased since 2000. The Malawian government faces challenges in building and expanding the economy, improving education, health care, environmental protection, and becoming financially independent. Malawi has several programs developed since 2005 that focus on these issues, and the country's outlook appears to be improving, with improvements in economic growth, education and healthcare seen in 2007 and 2008.

Healthcare in Malawi
Heart Specialist & Cardiologist in Malavi Nyasaland

Healthcare in Malawi and its limited resources are inadequate to fully address factors plaguing the population, including infant mortality and the very high burden of diseases, especially HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. In July 2013, the CIA World Fact Book estimated Malawi’s population to be 16,777,547.Due largely to the shortcomings of available healthcare, life expectancy at birth is 52.78 years.

There is a three tier healthcare system in Malawi in which each level is connected by a patient referral system. Patients enter into the system at the first tier and flow to higher tier facilities as needed.[2] Medical supplies and human resources, however, flow in the opposite direction. The already limited resources are first allocated to the top tier facilities, leaving the second and third tier facilities with little to no resources.

The Malawi health care system provides necessary health services to all the people of Malawi. Though Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa, the Malawi Ministry of Health and Population has provided basic health services to the people living in the remotest areas of the country. Poverty is the main cause behind the deterioration of the Malawi health care system. There is lack of infrastructure that poses a big problem in providing better health care services to the Malawians. The government of Malawi has arranged for several health care programs which are gaining popularity over time. Such programs are not usually conducted in other parts of Africa.

Cardiologist in Malawi

Malavi is the worlds least developed coutry & do not have advanced equipment for Cardiac Surgery or Non surgical cardiac treatment. People can go to Dubai South Africa & Mumbai for heart related treatment from malawi.

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