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Wednesday 26 February 2014

Best Cardiologist in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

 Best Cardiologist in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) is a landlocked country in the horn of Africa, bounded to the north by Eritrea, to the west by Sudan, to the south by Kenya and to the east by Somalia and Djibouti; it lies within the tropics between 3°24` and 14°53` North; and 32°42` and 48°12` East (see figure 1). It covers 1,120,000 square kilometres in nine regional states, one City Council and one City Administration. Smallholder peasants farm eight percent (about 10,000,000 ha) of the national land area and about 3,100,000 hectares are fallow. The total area of grazing and browse is estimated to be 61,000,000 –65,000,000 hectares, of which 12 percent is in mixed farming and the rest in pastoral areas (Alemayehu, 1998a; MoA, 2000). The population was estimated at about 63,000,000, making it the third most populous country in Africa, after Egypt and Nigeria, but according to the World Factbook the July 2006 estimate was 74,777,981 with a growth rate of 2.31%. The male-female ratio is almost one to one. 85.3 percent of the population lives in rural areas and the rest is urban (CSA, 1999).


Cook Children's cardiac team performs heart procedures on 32 young patients in Ethiopia

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The day a medical team from Cook Children's Medical Center arrived at a hospital in Ethiopia, more than 30 children and young adults were waiting -- all with heart problems.
Without whining or crying, they patiently waited their turns as the team worked late into the night, repairing one heart after another.
Five days, 12 open-heart surgeries and 14 cardiac catheterizations later, 32 young patients had healthier hearts and a much better chance at life, something that would not have been possible without the procedures.
Best Heart Specialist in EthiopiaAs one young patient told the doctors after her surgery: "My skin hurts, but my heart is strong."
In late January, the 22-member team from Cook Children's Heart Center headed for the Children's Heart Fund of Ethiopia Cardiac Center in Addis Ababa with two goals in mind. The team wanted to perform 20 to 30 open-heart surgeries and interventional cardiac catheterizations within five days. But members also wanted to provide hands-on training for the physicians, nurses and other professionals there.
In recent years, the University of Ethiopia and the government have recognized the need for training in pediatric cardiac care and have sought physicians to come to the country.
The doctors there lack expertise in using the equipment donated from other countries and are not trained to perform some of the more complex procedures. Without enough doctors, it's extremely difficult to meet needs in Ethiopia, said Scott Brown, executive vice president of the Gladney Center for Adoption. Brown led a medical mission to Ethiopia last year and served as the nonmedical liaison for the Cook Children's team.
The Ethiopian government trains physicians, but once they are overseas, they don't come back, he said. In Ethiopia, they make far less money.
"There are more Ethiopian physicians living in Washington, D.C., than in all of Ethiopia," Brown said. "And the docs who do stay over there are so taxed they're on call 365 days of the year."
Through medical missions such as this one, Gladney is trying to make a difference in the lives of many Ethiopian children, Brown said. Only a tiny fraction are placed for adoption.
"We're trying to make them have a better life by giving these children hope and medical care," he said.
The team worked to teach as much as it could in five days. But in the end members took away more personal lessons than they could have ever learned at home.
"As much as we taught them, they taught us," said Dr. Vincent Tam, a critical-care and thoracic surgeon from Cook Children's.
Going to a Third World country on a complex medical mission is no easy task. Cook Children's is believed to be the first major heart center from the United States to participate in such a comprehensive mission program and educational symposium, according to Dr. Ben Siu, a pediatric cardiologist with Cook Children's who went ahead of the group and presented lectures to physicians.
Once the team arrived at the hospital, they discovered that the patients' heart problems were made more complicated because they had gone so long without treatment.
The patients, ranging in age from 3 months to 22 years, had various congenital defects such as holes in their hearts and lesions that interrupted blood flow.
While many of the conditions are routinely corrected during infancy in the United States, the children in Ethiopia had never been treated. In fact, because their heart defects had been left uncorrected for such a long time, they were experiencing side effects such as high blood pressure and bleeding in the lungs that made their post-surgery care especially difficult.

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 Best Cardiologist in Ethiopia

 Best Cardiologist in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

 Addis Ababa Ethiopia is about 15 Hrs. away from Mumbai India. Mumbai is the best medical tourism destination having most advanced facilities & expert , experienced doctor available 24 Hrs. a day.Mumbai is cheaper than south africa for all types of cardiac surgeries.

Hospitals in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Saint Gabriel General Hospital is a major hospital in Ethiopia. This health care center, with full-fledged outpatient and inpatient departments, is well known for the services of eminent physicians and a dedicated nursing staff.
Myungsung Christian Medical Center is located at Kebele 11, Addis Ababa is another well-known hospital in the city. The Myungsung Presbyterian Church of Korea founded this modern hospital in 2004.
Swedish Medical Clinic is a notable hospital and is located at W21-k5-House #453 in Addis Ababa. The Swedish government founded this medical facility in 1967 under an agreement with the Ethiopian government.

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