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Sunday 23 February 2014

Best Cardiologist in Zanzibar

Best Cardiologist in Zanzibar

Zanzibar  "Coast of Blacks"; is a semi-autonomous part of Tanzania, in East Africa. It is composed of the Zanzibar Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, 25–50 kilometres (16–31 mi) off the coast of the mainland, and consists of numerous small islands and two large ones: Unguja (the main island, referred to informally as Zanzibar), and Pemba.

The capital of Zanzibar, located on the island of Unguja, is Zanzibar City. Its historic centre, known as Stone Town, is a World Heritage Site and is claimed to be the only functioning ancient town in East Africa.
Zanzibar's main industries are spices, raffia, and tourism. In particular, the islands produce cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and black pepper. For this reason, the islands, together with Tanzania's Mafia Island, are sometimes called the Spice Islands (a term also associated with the Maluku Islands in Indonesia). Zanzibar is the home of the endemic Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkey, the Zanzibar Servaline Genet, and the Zanzibar  Leopard.

Best Heart Cardiologist in Zanzibar
  • The people of Zanzibar are known as Zanzibaris and their native language is Kiswahili, commonly known internationally as Swahili.
  • Zanzibar used to be the world's largest producer of cloves, and its history was heavily influenced by the this activity.
  • Zanzibar's paradise beaches are fringed by an abundance of coconut palms. Unlike most tourists, the local people see these trees as more than aesthetically pleasing flora! Nothing goes to waste, and apart from the famous nut, the coconut palm yields an impressive variety of products, among them materials for weaving, building, eating and drinking. The roofs of many houses in Zanzibar (particularly in rural areas) are constructed using makuti palm thatching, made from palm leaves. Its many uses makes the coconut palm one of the most versatile of all plants.
We are not able to find any local Best Cardiologist in Zanzibar. Please contact here best Indian Cardiologist in Zanzibar

On September 4, 2009 a Save a Child’s Heart medical mission left to Zanzibar. The mission was comprised of Dr. Akiva Tamir, Head of the Pediatric Cardiology Unit at the Wolfson Medical Center (WMC), Holon, Israel and head of the medical mission to Zanzibar; Laura Kafif, SACH Housemother; Prof. Eli Someach, Immunologist and Specialist in Contagious Diseases at WMC; his wife Hanni and Sheila Shalhevet, SACH Board member and photographer who documented the mission.
  Dr. Omar Suleiman, Director and Coordinator of Pediatric Cardiology at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Zanzibar who trained in Israel this past year, Dr. Ali Amour, Pediatric Cardiologist and over fifty children and their parents were waiting for the SACH mission at the hospital. They were loudly and happily greeted by nurses Khadija, Aziza, Agnes, Ashura, Fatma and Halija who had either previously accompanied groups of children from Zanzibar to SACH in Israel or had assisted in previous medical missions. Also waiting for the mission were two final year medical students from Wales, Verity and Rheahanna who were doing an elective in Zanzibar, and Dr. Ulrika  Doll, an exceptional pediatric cardiologist from the Kinderhilfe Sansibar Foundation in Germany who shared the involved task of doing the  diagnostic echocardiograms. She was accompanied by her partner Stefan Fuchs who helped and assisted the doctors throughout the entire mission. From.

News Source.

Tanzania: Heart Patients Back in Dar es Salaam After Successful Operation

FOUR patients who went to India for open heart surgery arrived in Dar es Salaam yesterday after successful operation.
Convener of Heart Surgery Project Lion Dr Rajni Kanabar said twelve out of 16 children with heart complications, who were accompanied by 13 escorts and one doctor on July 12, this year, arrived ten days ago.
"This is the last group of four heart patients who were in India, we thank God for successful heart surgery of these children. We also thank all donors for their contribution," said Dr Kanabar.
The group was treated at Fortis Escort Heart Institute in New Delhi. The Group was offered subsidised heart surgery under the banner of Lions Club of Dar-Es-Salaam (Host) in collaboration with Regency Medical Centre and Ministry of Health, Zanzibar.
Upon their arrival the heart patients were received by The President of Lions Club of Dar-Es-Salaam (Host) Lion Nureen Nathoo, Lion Abdul Majjid Khan, the former District Governor and Paediatric Cardiologist from Zanzibar, Dr Ally Amour.

There is no local Stent Cardiologist in Zanzibar, Peoples from Zanzibar travel to Mumbai India for heart related surgery & Non surgical Treatment to Dr. Shahid Merchant who is best cardiologist for Zanzibaries.

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